General Denikin o rabochem voprosie.

Anton Ivanovich DENIKIN

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Item#: 81134 price:$1,800.00

General Denikin o rabochem voprosie.


DENIKIN, Anton Ivanovich. General Denikin o rabochem voprosie. No place, circa 1919. Broadside, measuring 9-1/4 by 7-3/8 inches, printed on both sides. $1800.

Rare original printed broadside issued by the anti-Bolshevik General Anton Ivanovich Denikin. Of extreme rarity.

From 1918 to 1920, Denikin was the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of South Russia and was responsible for civil administration in the areas occupied by his armies. He led successful campaigns in the Caucasus and the Ukraine and came within 250 miles of Moscow before being repelled by the Bolshevik forces. Denikin himself is not thought to have favored a return to a monarchy but instead advocated a unified Russian state whose form would be determined at a Constituent Assembly following the “White” victory. This brought him into conflict with the nationalist independence movements in southern Russia, and he wasted resources fighting such movements in Azerbaijan and Georgia. This broadside addresses General Denikin’s labor program. First published in broadside form before being included, along with “General Denikin o zemel’nom voprosie” in the pamphlet “Za chto my boremsia” (The Aims of our Struggle). Text in Russian.

In exceptional condition. Fragile and scarce.

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