Poster signed ["CARE 1991"]

Maurice SENDAK

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Item#: 123514 price:$1,500.00

Poster signed ["CARE 1991"]
Poster signed ["CARE 1991"]


SENDAK, Maurice. Poster signed ["CARE 1991. World Hunger Crusade"]. No place: No publisher, 1991. Color poster, measuring 16 by 24 inches; professionally lined and framed, entire piece measures 16-3/4 by 24-3/4 inches. $1500.

Beautiful poster, illustrated by Maurice Sendak, promoting CARE's 1991 World Hunger Crusade, signed at the bottom by Maurice Sendak.

This poster advertises CARE's 1991 World Hunger Crusade. The illustration by Maurice Sendak features a chubby baby sitting surrounded by sunflowers, who Sendak said represented a positive image of beating hunger. Following Jim Dine, Sendak was the second artist to illustrate a poster for the Hunger Crusade, a campaign based around fundraising and public awareness on the issue of world hunger. The posters were sold between October and December 1991 to raise money for the campaign. The former owner of this proof was Maurice Sendak's neighbor, Andrew, from Ridgefield, Connecticut. Sendak bought a home and studio in Ridgefield in 1972 with his longtime partner, Eugene Glynn, and lived there until his death. Andrew first encountered Sendak in 1975 during one of his daily dog walks. (Sendak owned many dogs throughout his life, and they often starred in his books.) Andrew was immediately taken with Sendak, who reminded him of his recently deceased father. One day, Andrew called Sendak at home and asked if he could join him on his walks. Andrew and Sendak thus embarked on a 37-year friendship that also included the Andrew's mother, Betty, as well as Andrew's brother. Sendak went on long walks and hikes with Andrew and his family regularly, discussing general life events, opera, and books. He frequently bartered for autographs, as well (i.e. a cake for an inscribed drawing). The many inscribed drawings, along with first editions, signed books, and other valuable items grew into one of the country's premier Sendak collections, compiled by various members of a single family and ultimately owned by Andrew.

Fine condition.

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