Typed letter signed

Wilhelm REICH

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Item#: 48835 price:$950.00

Typed letter signed


REICH, Wilhelm. Typed letter signed. Oslo, March 29, 1938. One page, typed on recto only, on letterhead stationery of the Internationales Institut fur Sexualökonmische Lebensforschung, measuring 8 by 11-1/2 inches. $950.

Original typed letter, with bold initialed signature in red pencil, from the controversial psychoanalyst and founder of Orgonomy to Swiss physician Oskar Bumbacher.

The letter reads, in German: “Dear Bumbacher! The local character analysts are busy and there doesn’t seem a free hour available for the near future, but, please, get in touch with Dr. Philipson (Ryparken 108, Copenhagen). Life is cheaper there, too. A character analysis takes at least one year. I assume that Dr. Philipson will talk to you about the price. Best regards, [signed] W.R.” Reich’s initials in bold red pencil.

Letter folded in quarters with two file holes at left margin. Edges lightly toned. A scarce letter from Reich, in fine condition.

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