Azaroth, the Poem (Azharot)

JUDAICA   |   Benjamin SAMSON

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Item#: 32340 price:$1,200.00

Azaroth, the Poem (Azharot)


(INDIAN JUDAICA—BOMBAY IMPRINT) SAMSON, Benjamin, translator. The Poem. Azaroth [Azharot]. Translated in Marathi Verse. Bombay: Aaron Jacob Divekar, 1893. Small octavo, modern dark brown calf; pp. (72). $1200.

First edition of Benjamin Samson’s translation of Azharot into Marathi, printed in Bombay.

Marathi translation of this series of liturgical poems for the Feast of Weeks (Shavuot) in which are enumerated the 613 Commandments. Prints the original Hebrew text with interlinear Marathi translation; Samson’s preface in Marathi. With additional title page in Marathi. Yaari Bombay 120. Owner ink inscription in Marathi.

Marginal tape repairs to title pages and last leaf. A very good copy.

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