(JOHNSON, Lyndon Baines) CARO, Robert A. The Years of Lyndon Johnson: The Path to Power, Means of Ascent, Master of the Senate, The Passage of Power. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1982-2012. Four volumes. Octavo, original black cloth, original dust jackets.
First editions of all four volumes of Caro's critically praised, Pulitzer Prize-winning, multi-volume biography of Lyndon Johnson.
"It's an overwhelming experience to read The Path to Power" (New York Times), the first volume of Robert Caro's biography of Lyndon Johnson (although Caro's introduction indicates an initial projection of three volumes [page xix], he announced a forthcoming fifth book in 2012). Critics singled out not only Caro's research, but also his narrative brilliance in this pioneering work, especially noting that "this fascinating, immensely long and highly readable book is the fullest account we have—and are ever likely to have—of the early years of Lyndon Baines Johnson… The details that Caro has dug up are astonishing, and he has pieced them together to tell a monumental political saga" (New York Times). Caro was awarded the National Book Critics Circle Award for Path to Power and Means of Ascent (1982 and 1990, respectively) and the 2002 National Book Award and 2003 Pulitzer Prize for Biography (his second Pulitzer) for Master of the Senate, the third volume in his epic portrait of this mercurial, larger-than-life American president. Selected excerpts serialized in Atlantic Monthly and The New Yorker.
Fine condition.