Illuminated Miniature of the Resurrected Christ


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Item#: 125906 price:$22,000.00

Illuminated Miniature of the Resurrected Christ
Illuminated Miniature of the Resurrected Christ


(ILLUMINATED MANUSCRIPT). Illuminated Miniature of the Resurrected Christ. Paris, circa 1460. One vellum leaf, measuring 3-1/2 by 5 inches; silk matted and framed, entire piece measures 12 by 10-1/2 inches. $22,000.

Stunning 15th-century illuminated leaf from a French Book of Hours with a depiction of the resurrected Christ—a rare image for a Book of Hours—very handsomely framed.

This miniature depicts the resurrected Christ, garbed in a loincloth and scarlet cloak, with one hand raised in blessing and the other holding a tall processional cross. The empty sarcophagus is cleverly angled to create the illusion of recession in space, with two dozing soldiers in armor next to it and a third partly visible behind it. An angel is perched on the lid of the sarcophagus; in the background are steep hills, a walled city, and two rock formations. The entire scene is enclosed within a rich floriated arched border with fruits, flowers, acanthus leaves and two birds. The entire leaf is rendered in vivid hues of red, green and blue with a large amount of gilding throughout.

The unusually sophisticated composition of this leaf—the greatest narrative of Christendom is packed into a very small space, the coloring displays a wonderful sense of consonance of hue, and all the details are rendered with a high degree of verisimilitude—indicate the work of a master. There are elements here that suggest this miniature is the work of the Master of Jean Rolin or of the Dunois Master, but either pedigree is distinguished. Taking his name from the Book of Hours he produced for Jean d'Orleans, comte de Dunois, the celebrated Dunois Master was previously thought to be an extremely close follower and apprentice of the Bedford Master, whose real name may well have been Jean Haincelin; now he is generally thought to be Jean Haincelin the younger, the Bedford Master's son. The Dunois Master is also known to have painted the Hours of Admiral Prigent de Coëtivy and other major Books of Hours in the close style of the Bedford Master, and he collaborated with Jean Fouquet in the Hours of Simon de Varie.

One small mark (possibly a wax stain) to the right hand margin of the border, leaf otherwise in beautiful condition, colors still wonderfully vivid. Beautifully framed.

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