April 2023 Catalogue

B a u m a n R a r e B o o k s A p r i l 2 0 2 3 3 Signed By Isaac Asimov 2. ASIMOV, Isaac. The Martian Way. Garden City, 1955. Octavo, original blue cloth, dust jacket. $4600. First edition of Asimov’s important second story collection, signed by him. This volume contains four early Asimov novellas together in book form for the first time: Youth, The Deep, Sucker Bait and the famous title story, The Martian Way, an attack on McCarthyism that won praise by science fiction scholar James Gunn as “quintessential Asimov… one of the 22 novellas included in Science Fiction Hall of Fame II” (Isaac Asimov, 82). “For five decades [Asimov’s] was the voice to which science fiction came down in the end. His was the default voice of science fiction” (Clute & Nicholls, 58). First edition, first printing, with “Azimov” on spine of book. The Martian Way and The Deep serialized in Galaxy (respectively November, December 1952); Sucker Bait in Astounding (February/March 1952); Youth in Space (May 1952). Currey, 14. A fine signed copy.