May 2024 Catalogue


B A U M A N R A R E B O O K S T R A V E L & E X P L O R A T I O N 2 0 2 4 Travel & Exploration 1 “A BREATHTAKING RECITAL OF CONTINUOUS ADVENTURE” 1. BACK, George. Narrative of the Arctic Land Expedition to the Mouth of the Great Fish River and Along the Shores of the Arctic Ocean in the Years 1833, 1834, 1835. London, 1836. Thick octavo, period-style half brown calf gilt. $2500 First edition, octavo issue of this extraordinary account of Back’s journey down the uncharted Great Fish River, with 16 full-page engravings and lithographs produced by Finden and Haghe after drawings by Back himself, and a large folding map, also by Back. “A breathtaking recital of continuous adventure,” George Back’s expedition charted over 1200 miles of new territory and made important observations on the Aurora Borealis, all while working under appalling conditions (Mirsky, 122). The original purpose of the trek was to determine the fate of the second Ross expedition, which had set out in 1829 and was feared lost in the Arctic Ocean. Back, a veteran of the Franklin expeditions, volunteered to lead an overland expedition north along the Great Fish River, which extends from the Rae Strait to the Great Slave Lake in northern Canada, west of Hudson’s Bay. Notified that Ross had returned safely to England, Back was directed to proceed with an expedition of discovery during which he found the river now named for him. “As a literary composition this work may rank higher than any former volume produced by the northern expeditions” (Edinburgh Review). Twelve pages of publisher’s advertisements at rear. Published simultaneously with the scarce quarto large-paper edition of the same year. Arctic Bibliography 851. Staton & Tremaine 1873. Graff 130. Wagner-Camp 58b:1. Field 64. Sabin 2613. Bookplate. Text and plates generally quite clean, light foxing to first few leaves, tape repair to one fold of map. A nearfine copy.

B A U M A N R A R E B O O K S Travel & Exploration T R A V E L & E X P L O R A T I O N 2 0 2 4 2 BILLINGS’ EXPEDITION TO SIBERIA AND TO THE COAST OF AMERICA, 1802, LARGE PAPER FIRST EDITION 2. BILLINGS, Joseph and SAUER, Martin. An Account of a Geographical and Astronomical Expedition to the Northern Parts of Russia… Performed, By Command of Her Imperial Majesty Catherine the Second, Empress of all the Russias, By Commodore Joseph Billings… The Whole Narrated from the Original Papers by Martin Sauer. London, 1802. Quarto, contemporary mottled calf boards rebacked. $4000 First edition of this important Russian survey of the extreme northeastern parts of Asia and the coast of Siberia, with large folding chart and 14 full-page copper-engraved plates by William Alexander of views, elevations, portraits of natives, their dress and implements, as well as a comparative glossary of indigenous languages. After serving as an able-bodied seaman aboard the Discovery, one of the two ships commanded by Captain Cook on his fatal last voyage, Joseph Billings joined the Russian navy, where his reputation as “companion” to Cook led to his appointment as leader of this expedition. The purpose of the voyage was to determine “the exact latitude and longitude of the mouth of the river Kovima, and the situation of the great promontory of the Tchukchees as far as the East Cape; the forming of an exact chart of the islands in the Eastern Ocean extending to the coast of America; and, in short, the bringing to perfection the knowledge of the seas lying between the continent of Siberia and the opposite coast of America.” To this end, Billings visited Kodiak, Montague Island, and Prince William Sound. “In the course of nine years [the expedition] made many large additions to our knowledge of the geography of those inclement regions” (DNB). In his detailed account of the expedition, Martin Sauer declares “that the native inhabitants [of Alaska], with their Stone Age culture, were far superior to the toadies who made up the court circles of St. Petersburg and had no culture at all” (Howgego, 119). The wonderful folding “Chart of the Strait between Asia & America” was engraved by Neele after Aaron Arrowsmith, whose cartography was based on “astronomical observations made in the icy sea.” Cox I, 353. Hill 1528. Howgego B96. Sabin 77152. Howes S117. Streeter 3499. Engraved armorial bookplate. Expert paper repair to inner margins of pages 157-164. Text clean and bright, folding map in excellent condition with minimal foxing. A handsome copy.

B A U M A N R A R E B O O K S T R A V E L & E X P L O R A T I O N 2 0 2 4 Travel & Exploration 3 BOSSU’S ACCOUNT OF FRENCH LOUISIANA, 1751-62 3. BOSSU, Jean Bernard. Nouveaux Voyages aux Indes Occidentales. Paris, 1768. Two volumes bound in one. 12mo, contemporary full mottled calf gilt. $2500 Second edition (published the same year as the exceptionally scarce first edition, of which Sabin found no record), with four engraved plates. “A collection of 21 letters written by Bossu, a French army officer, telling of his life and travels from 1751 to 1762 in the vast Louisiana country to as far north as Fort Chartres in what is now Illinois, and as far east as the French post at Mobile. Bossu wrote well and his letters not only give an interesting picture of life and travels in the Mississippi Valley and the Mobile country to the east at the beginning of the second half of the 18th century, but incorporated also are many sketches of events of the preceding years. Bossu came to New Orleans only 33 years or so after its founding and only 80 years after La Salle’s journey down the Mississippi, and first- and secondhand recollections were still fresh” (Streeter III:1518). “For comments, too critical of the ministry, Bossu was imprisoned and his book banned for a while in France; this probably accounts for the scarcity of the first edition, of which Sabin found no record” (Howes B626). Sabin 6465. Graff 361. Plates and text very clean, only minor wear to handsome contemporary calf.

B A U M A N R A R E B O O K S Travel & Exploration T R A V E L & E X P L O R A T I O N 2 0 2 4 4 BEAUTIFUL LARGE FOLIO, WITH 76 HAND-COLORED AQUATINTS OF SCENERY ALONG THE THAMES 4. (BOYDELL, John and Josiah). [COMBE, William]. An History of the River Thames. London, 1794-96. Two volumes. Folio, contemporary full calf (Volume I expertly rebacked with original spine neatly laid down). $23,000 First edition, first issue, of this wonderful visual record of the River Thames, with 76 lovely folio hand-colored aquatints by Stadler after Farrington of prospects along the banks—including three very large folding plates—and a large folding map by John Cooke of “The Course of the River Thames from Its Source to the Sea.” An excellent copy in contemporary calf. “The most important art publishers and dealers in our history are the two Boydells, John and his nephew Josiah, who, though their munificence was chiefly directed towards painters and engravers, also issued a few fine books with colored aquatint plates, notably the History of the River Thames” (Prideaux, 266). The scenery along the Thames was a popular subject for publication. Joseph Farrington was one of a group of Romantic artists and writers in search of the picturesque, whose portrayal of the wild and rugged landscape transformed public opinion toward the sublimity of nature. His landscape paintings were influential in attracting tourists to the English Lake District in the early 19th century. For the Boydells, the Thames project would contribute greatly to the reputation of their Shakespeare Gallery, the purpose of which was to “establish an English School of Historical Painting.” This copy is a complete first issue, with plates surrounded by aquatint borders and containing general title pages for An History of the Principal Rivers of Great Britain (the publishers planned on covering more rivers, but they abandoned this project after completing the Thames); plates and text watermarked 1794. Engraved head of “Father Thames,” sometimes bound as a frontispiece, is bound in Volume I opposite page 255, where it is referenced. Plate list for Volume I bound at the rear of Volume II. Abbey, Scenery 432. Tooley 102. A few text leaves in Volume I with mild foxing, a few plates with faint offsetting from text, but generally a very clean copy, hand-coloring fine and bright, with delicate shading, much nicer than often found. A most desirable, about-fine copy of this splendidly illustrated work.

B A U M A N R A R E B O O K S T R A V E L & E X P L O R A T I O N 2 0 2 4 Travel & Exploration 5 BRADFORD'S SKETCHES OF THE COUNTRY, CHARACTER, AND COSTUME IN PORTUGAL AND SPAIN, 1809, WITH 53 BEAUTIFUL FOLIO HAND-COLORED PLATES 5. (SPAIN) (PORTUGAL) (NAPOLEONIC WARS) BRADFORD, William. Sketches of the Country, Character, And Costume, in Portugal And Spain, Made during the Campaign, and on the Route of the British Army, in 1808 and 1809. London, 1809. Large folio, early marbled boards rebacked and recornered in dark brown calf, uncut. $6500 First edition, first issue, illustrated with 53 full-page hand-colored engraved folio plates, including 40 plates of scenic views of Portugal and Spain along with examples of native costume, and a supplement of 13 plates of the military uniforms of the Spanish, Portuguese, and French armies. William Bradford was the Chaplain to the British Army during the Peninsular War, England’s foray into Iberia on the side of Spain and Portugal, a central campaign of the Napoleonic Wars. First published in 1809-10 in 24 separate parts, and then again in 1810 in book form (see Abbey, Travel 135), this first issue features plates watermarked 1807 to 1809. The supplemental suite of 13 plates of military costumes always accompanies the work. With uncolored frontispiece of “The Monument to Sir John Moore,” not always present. Abbey Travel 135. Tooley 109. Owner pencil inscription on upper margin of title page. Plates and text clean and fine, with only a bit of foxing to uncolored engraved frontispiece. Hand-coloring vivid, attractively bound. An excellent, large, uncut copy of this lovely illustrated work.

B A U M A N R A R E B O O K S Travel & Exploration T R A V E L & E X P L O R A T I O N 2 0 2 4 6 "A SPRIGHTLY RECORD OF ENGLISH TRAVEL": DRUNKEN BARNABY'S FOUR JOURNEYS, ILLUSTRATED 6. BRATHWAITE, Richard. Drunken Barnaby’s Four Journeys to the North of England [Barnabae Itinerarium]… Together with Bessy Bell. London, 1723. 12mo, early 20th-century full plum morocco gilt. $1250 Third edition of Brathwaite’s “rollicking” and “sprightly” travel narrative in verse, charmingly illustrated with copper-engraved frontispiece and five full-page plates, beautifully bound in full morocco-gilt by renowned French bookbinder Petrus Ruban. “The most famous of Brathwaite’s works appeared in 1638 with the title of Barnabae Itinerarium… this is a sprightly record of English travel, in Latin and English doggerel verse; it was neglected in its own age, but being reprinted achieved a considerable success during the 18th century” (DNB II, 1142). “This didactic and satirical text describes four journeys between Kendal (Brathwaite’s home) and London. The route taken is different in each instance. It is a remarkable example of the trend for topographical writings in the 1630s, but in its rollicking style it also prefigures some of the picaresque novels of the 18th century” (ODNB). This copy bound by French bookbinder Petrus Ruban, who flourished around the turn of the previous century. “An important aspect of Ruban’s work was his craftsmanship, described by contemporary critics as irreproachable… By 1910, the year in which he handed over his atelier to Charles Lanoë and retired to Neuilly, examples of his work had been included in all of the major book auctions in Paris, including those of the collectors Durel, Belinac, Bordes, and Piolenc” (Duncan & De Bartha, Art Nouveau and Art Deco Bookbinding, 195-96). After the 1638 first edition, a second edition appeared in 1716. Lowndes, 260. Morocco-gilt bookplate of Major W. Van R. Whitall of Pelham, NY, whose large library was dispersed at auction in 1927; evidence of bookplate removal. Text and plates clean and fine, light rubbing to front joint, binding sound and near-fine. A lovely little volume.

B A U M A N R A R E B O O K S T R A V E L & E X P L O R A T I O N 2 0 2 4 Travel & Exploration 7 BURNEY'S HISTORY OF THE SEARCH FOR A NORTHEAST PASSAGE, WITH HIS FIRSTHAND ACCOUNT OF COOK'S LAST VOYAGE 7. BURNEY, James. A Chronological History of North-Eastern Voyages of Discovery; and of the Early Eastern Navigations of the Russians. London, 1819. Octavo, modern three-quarter russet morocco. $6000 First edition of Burney’s classic work, giving a firsthand account of Cook’s last voyage, with two folding maps. James Burney “sailed with Captain Cook in his second voyage, 1772-4… In 1775 he was in the Cerberus on the North American station, and was recalled to sail again under Cook in his third voyage. Consequent on the deaths of Cook and Clerke, he came home in command of the Discovery” (DNB). “Pages 202-270 contain an account of Cook’s third voyage which includes some intimate details not to be found elsewhere” (Holmes, 82). This compilation also contains Burney’s “important researches” on the maritime discoveries of the Russians, including Bering and Chirikov, and recounts English, Dutch, and Danish voyages in search of a northeast passage as well (Hill, 41). With two folding maps, a chart of the north coast of Asia and a smaller one of the White Sea. Cox II, 497. Howes, B1001. Holmes, 82. Inkstamp of the Missouri Historical Society (overstamped “Discard”). Occasional light foxing to text, maps clean, binding attractive and fine.

B A U M A N R A R E B O O K S Travel & Exploration T R A V E L & E X P L O R A T I O N 2 0 2 4 8 WITH 39 SUPERB HAND-COLORED AQUATINT VIEWS OF NORTH WALES, 1820 EXPANDED SECOND EDITION WITH NINE MORE PLATES THAN THE FIRST 8. (WALES) [COMPTON, Thomas]. The Northern Cambrian Mountains, or a Tour Through North Wales, Describing the Scenery and General Characters of that Romantic Country, and Embellished with a Series of Highly-Finished Coloured Views, Engraved from Original Drawings. London, 1820. Folio, contemporary marbled boards sympathetically rebacked and recornered. $9800 Second and enlarged edition, with 39 magnificent hand-colored aquatint plates of views of North Wales—nine more than the 30 found in the first edition—with descriptive text, handsomely bound. “The Views, which were taken during two Tours in the summers of 1814 and 1815, faithfully represent… striking and beautiful scenes, which are so profusely spread over this interesting portion of the Island, and have been selected… as exhibiting the most characteristic features of the country” (Preface). Abbey’s copy includes an unnumbered, outof-series lithograph among the aquatint plates for a total of 40, but notes “The lithograph is perhaps an experiment on the part of the publishers, for the plate shares one leaf of text with Plate 34, and the imprint is dated almost 12 months later than any of the others” (Abbey). The 38 aquatint plates described in the text and the frontispiece are all present. Plates watermarked 1816 and 1819; text watermarked 1819 (Abbey’s copy had plates watermarked 1820). Abbey, Scenery 523. Tooley 157 (with 39 plates, does not mention the lithograph found in Abbey’s copy). Prideaux, 346. Hand-coloring beautiful and finely shaded, contemporary marbled boards very nicely rebacked and restored. An excellent copy of this scarce and desirable plate book.

B A U M A N R A R E B O O K S T R A V E L & E X P L O R A T I O N 2 0 2 4 Travel & Exploration 9 "DID MORE TO CLARIFY THE GEOGRAPHICAL KNOWLEDGE OF THE SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE THAN ALL HIS PREDECESSORS": HANDSOME ILLUSTRATED OCTAVO SET OF THE THREE VOYAGES OF CAPTAIN COOK 9. COOK, James. The Three Voyages of Captain James Cook Round the World. Complete in Seven Volumes. With Map and Other Plates. London, 1821. Seven volumes. Octavo, period-style three-quarter speckled calf gilt. $7800 Early octavo edition of Captain Cook’s complete voyages, with frontispiece portrait by George Dance, folding map of the world showing the courses of Cook’s travels, and 24 aquatint plates, beautifully bound. “The famous accounts of Captain Cook’s three voyages form the basis for any collection of Pacific books. In three great voyages Cook did more to clarify the geographical knowledge of the southern hemisphere than all his predecessors had done together. He was the first really scientific navigator and his voyages made great contributions to many fields of knowledge” (Hill, 61). In his first voyage (1768-71), Cook observed the Transit of Venus at Tahiti, rediscovered and charted New Zealand, and discovered and charted the east coast of Australia. In his second voyage (1772-75), he crossed the Antarctic Circle for the first time in history and disproved the existence of the supposed “Great Southern Continent.” In his third voyage (1776-79), he searched for the Northwest Passage, charted the American west coast from Northern California through the Bering Strait, and discovered the Hawaiian Islands, which he named the Sandwich Islands. This especially important third voyage was “the first voyage attempting an adequate examination and charting of our northwest coast” (Howes). “Cook was the first navigator to accurately map the coast, and, by carrying away a collection of furs, he introduced the fur trade to the English and American traders, whose subsequent expeditions were based upon his discoveries” (Eberstadt). With folding table at rear of Volume IV and another at rear of Volume VII. First published in full in seven volumes octavo in 1809, though other abridged octavo editions preceded that. Beddie 94. See Howes C729a; Eberstadt 127: 353. Folding map skillfully backed on linen, only occasional faint foxing to generally clean interiors. A beautifully bound set in fine condition.

B A U M A N R A R E B O O K S Travel & Exploration T R A V E L & E X P L O R A T I O N 2 0 2 4 10 “AMONG THE MOST BEAUTIFUL THINGS EVER MADE”: FIRST EDITION OF PICTURESQUE VOYAGE TO INDIA, ONE OF THE FINEST COLOR PLATE BOOKS OF THE 19TH CENTURY 10. DANIELL, Thomas and William. A Picturesque Voyage to India; by the Way of China. London, 1810. Folio (10-1/2 inches by 14 inches, with actual images measuring 7-1/2 inches by 5 inches), period-style full blue straight grain morocco with elaborately gilt decorated spine and boards, raised bands, marbled endpapers and edges. $16,000 First edition of one of the finest and most popular hand-colored aquatint plate books of the 19th century, with 50 magnificent mounted hand-colored aquatints of views and inhabitants of China and India, with descriptive text. Originally issued in ten parts, “the aquatints of India by Thomas and William Daniell have been continuously popular ever since their publication between 1795 and 1810… A Picturesque Voyage consisted of 50 aquatints depicting the places visited by the artists on their various journeys to and from China and to India. Five views show their approach to Calcutta and the city itself. The publication of these aquatints had been a mammoth task. The two artists prepared almost all the plates themselves. [William Daniell came to be regarded as] one of the greatest aquatinters of the 19th century… The Daniells’ Indian aquatints soon made an impact on the British public and on British culture at a number of different levels” (Early Views of India, 223-225). “One of a series of books that are surely among the most beautiful things ever made” (IPEX Exhibition of English Colour Plate Books). Text watermarked 1808; Abbey’s copy, most likely a later issue, had a mix of 1808 and 1817. Abbey Travel 516. Tooley 173. Plates and text generally clean. A beautifully bound copy in near-fine condition.

B A U M A N R A R E B O O K S T R A V E L & E X P L O R A T I O N 2 0 2 4 Travel & Exploration 11 EARLY SEARCHES FOR THE NORTHWEST PASSAGE: FORSTER'S HISTORY OF THE VOYAGES AND DISCOVERIES MADE IN THE NORTH, 1786 FIRST EDITION IN ENGLISH, WITH THREE FOLDING MAPS 11. FORSTER, John Reinhold. History of the Voyages and Discoveries Made in the North. Translated from the German… and Elucidated by Several New and Original Maps. London, 1786. Quarto, modern full brown morocco gilt. $4800 First edition in English of this early historical survey of attempts to discover a North West Passage, including an account of Cook’s last voyage, with three engraved folding maps, handsomely bound by Bayntun. The North West Passage was sought by traders “as a way to get round America to reach the riches of China and the Far East… [It] was Amundsen who first navigated the North West Passage in 1906” (Savours, vi). German scholar Johann Reinhold Forster (with his son) had accompanied Captain James Cook as the naturalist on Cook’s second voyage eastward around the world in 1772-75. Upon their return, both Cook and Forster drafted separate accounts of the voyage— only Cook’s, however, was accepted by the Admiralty, whereupon Forster turned his manuscript over to his son, “who published it six weeks before the official version” (Howgego). First appearing in German in 1784, this is Forster’s “learned account” (Cox) of the various attempts at discovering a North West Passage, “from antiquity to the middle of the 18th-century.” It is a comprehensive survey of the efforts of the English, Dutch, French, Spaniards, Portuguese, Danes, and Russians, and includes a chapter on Cook’s third and last voyage, up the coast of the north Pacific, with instructions “to settle once and for all the question of the North West Passage” (Howgego, 258). Cook was unable to sail much farther than the Bering Straits and on his return south was killed in a dispute with inhabitants of the Sandwich Islands. Despite Forster’s earlier differences with Cook, he memorializes him here as a “truly glorious and justly-admired navigator… We must acknowledge him to have been one of the greatest men of his age.” Bound with half title; publisher’s advertisement leaf at rear. Howes F269. Cox I, 22. Arctic Bibliography 5161. Howgego, 394. Sabin 25138. Staton & Tremaine 528. Bookplate. Occasional light foxing, mild offsetting to title page. Binding handsome and fine.

B A U M A N R A R E B O O K S Travel & Exploration T R A V E L & E X P L O R A T I O N 2 0 2 4 12 “ONE OF THE MOST TERRIBLE JOURNEYS ON RECORD”: FIRST EDITION OF FRANKLIN’S DRAMATIC NARRATIVE OF HIS FIRST ARCTIC EXPEDITION, WITH 12 FINE HAND-COLORED PLATES AND FOUR MAPS 12. FRANKLIN, John. Narrative of a Journey to the Shores of the Polar Sea, in the Years 1819, 20, 21, and 22. London, 1823. Thick quarto, contemporary full marbled calf gilt. $6000 First edition of Franklin’s first overland Arctic expedition, illustrated with 30 engraved plates—11 hand-colored— along with four large folding maps. “A classic book of Arctic hardship” (Stam & Stam 3.1). Franklin’s expedition was carried out overland and on foot, beginning in 1819 and lasting three years—”years of frustration and ultimately catastrophe for a naval leader unaccustomed to the lubberly world of land exploration. Sir John [Franklin] had not hiked, canoed, or hunted anywhere in the Arctic, but he was assigned the task of traveling north from Great Slave Lake in northern Canada to the coast of Victoria Island, in order to map the coast west to Alaska… Why the Admiralty would have engaged in such a mission and, even stranger, would send someone without a landsman’s experience is not at all clear. The expedition… was forced to return, for they were near starvation and unable to kill sufficient game such as musk oxen for food… As Franklin’s expedition trekked back toward Great Slave Lake, they were reduced to eating old shoes and other scraps of leather” (Officer & Page, A Fabulous Kingdom, 81-2). “It is one of the most terrible journeys on record, many of the party dying from cold, hunger, or murder. The distance traveled was some 5500 miles, and Franklin’s narrative at once became a classic of travel literature. The plates are engraved by Finden, from drawings by Lieuts. Hood and Back. The natural history appendices are important” (Hill 635). This extraordinary account of that disaster-laden expedition, which suffered the death of 11 men and the loss of essential boats, is “an invaluable one for the history of the discovery of the regions… and for the interesting descriptions and details of the many tribes of Indians and Esquimaux met with” (Stevens 1706). Illustrated with 30 plates, including 12 hand-colored. The extensive appendices, not included in later editions, include notes on the Aurora Borealis; tables on latitude and longitude; temperatures; and detailed geological, astronomical, and botanical and zoological sections. With tipped-in errata slip; bound without half title. Arctic Bibliography 5194. Stam & Stam 3.1. Hill 635. Abbey Travel 635. Wagner-Camp 1406. Graff 23:1. Sabin 25624 (lists 34 plates, not the 30 as in the “List of Plates”). Field, 135. Bookplate; owner’s cipher as gilt centerpiece on both covers. Some mild occasional foxing, chiefly marginal; joints expertly repaired, only slight rubbing to board edges. A handsome copy in nicely refurbished contemporary calf-gilt.

B A U M A N R A R E B O O K S T R A V E L & E X P L O R A T I O N 2 0 2 4 Travel & Exploration 13 "ONE OF THE ESSENTIAL BOOKS FOR AN AMERICANA COLLECTION": EARLIEST PUBLISHED ACCOUNT OF THE LEWIS AND CLARK EXPEDITION, 1807 FIRST EDITION 13. GASS, Patrick. A Journal of the Voyages and Travels of a Corps of Discovery, Under the Command of Capt. Lewis and Capt. Clarke of the Army of the United States, from the Mouth of the River Missouri through the Interior Parts of North America to the Pacific Ocean, During the Years 1804, 1805 & 1806. Pittsburgh, 1807. Tall 12mo, original half brown sheep, original marbled boards. Housed in a custom cemise and clamshell box. $20,000 First edition of the “earliest full first-hand narrative of the Lewis and Clark expedition, preceding the official account by seven years” (Howes), “one of the essential books for an Americana collection” (Streeter). Gass volunteered as a private for the Lewis and Clark Expedition in 1803 (he was promoted to sergeant August 26, 1804). “A most reliable man, Gass accompanied the expedition to the Pacific… keeping a careful and valuable journal. On October 10, 1806, after the return to St. Louis, Lewis gave Gass a certificate stating that, ‘the ample support which he gave me, under every difficulty; the manly firmness which he evinced on every necessary occasion; and the fortitude with which he bore the fatigues and painful sufferings incident to that long voyage, intitles [sic] him to my highest confidence and sincere thanks… [In Washington, Gass] arranged for publication of his journal which appeared seven years before the official Lewis and Clark narrative was published” (Thrapp II:542). The prospectus for Gass’ journal revealed “that around the campfire ‘the several journals [of the expedition members] were brought together, compared, corrected, and the blanks filled up,’ meaning that… subscribers would be reading material corrected and approved by the captains” (Ambrose, Undaunted Courage, 418). Gass was the last survivor of the expedition, dying at age 99 in 1870. With half title [ix], with first and final blanks. Graff 1516. Sabin 26741. WagnerCamp 6:1. Streeter V:3120. Howes G77. Early owner ink signatures, one to front pastedown, one to rear. Closed tear to rear free endpaper. Leaf L5 with two tiny holes, just affecting two lines on page 130. Light foxing to text, as often; faint creasing to a few leaves. Spine rubbed and dry, light wear to boards. A very good copy, scarce and desirable in unrestored original binding.

B A U M A N R A R E B O O K S Travel & Exploration T R A V E L & E X P L O R A T I O N 2 0 2 4 14 ONE OF ONLY 75 LARGE-PAPER COPIES, THE 1809 BEST EDITION OF HAKLUYT’SMONUMENTAL FIVE-VOLUME FOLIO COLLECTION OF THE EARLY VOYAGES— A SPLENDID SET 14. HAKLUYT, Richard. Hakluyt’s Collection of the Early Voyages, Travels, and Discoveries of the English Nation. London, 1809-12. Five volumes. Thick folio, contemporary three-quarter brown calf rebacked. $15,000 One of only 75 large-paper copies on Imperial paper (out of a total edition of only 325) of “this enormous work—the most complete collection of voyages and discoveries, by land as well as by sea, and of the nautical achievements of the Elizabethans” (PMM). “The best and most complete edition… very scarce” (Hill). Building on a life-long interest, beginning with his Divers Voyages Touching the Discovery of America (1582), Richard Hakluyt was “incited” into documenting the accomplishments of English explorers “by hearing and reading ‘other nations miraculously extolled for their discoveries and notable enterprises by sea, but the English of all others for their sluggish security and continual neglect of the like attempts, either ignominiously reported or exceedingly condemned,… and not seeing any man to have care to recommend to the world the industrious labors and painful travels of our countrymen” (DNB). This superb edition of Early Voyages, Travels, and Discoveries of the English Nation is an accurate republication of the first 1598 folio edition, with the addition of some voyages that were published in the first edition but omitted in the second (see Lowndes). The fourth and fifth volumes contain supplementary voyages and travels which were originally printed and sold separately to complete the earlier editions. “Although Hakluyt himself never traveled farther than France, he inspired some of the great overseas explorations of his time and was one of the leading spirits in the Elizabethan maritime expansion. He met many of the great navigators: Drake, Raleigh, Gilbert, Frobisher, and others, corresponded with Ortelius and Mercator, and collected all the material on voyages he could find… By 1600 he was able to fill three folio volumes of the definitive edition of the Principal Navigations, called by Froude ‘the prose epic of the modern English nation” (PMM). Includes sections on Northern and Eastern Europe, the Middle East, the Persian Gulf, India, Africa, Japan and China, the Pacific Isles, Russia, Newfoundland, Virginia, Florida, California and South America. Four-page dealer catalogue misbound in Volume IV before last leaf of text; book complete. PMM 105. Hill 744. Howes H26. Sabin 29599. Lowndes, 972. Fine condition.

B A U M A N R A R E B O O K S T R A V E L & E X P L O R A T I O N 2 0 2 4 Travel & Exploration 15 FIRST EDITION OF HALL’S VOYAGE TO CHINA AND THE YELLOW SEA, WITH EIGHT BEAUTIFUL HAND-COLORED AQUATINTS 15. HALL, Basil. Account of a Voyage of Discovery to the West Coast of Corea, and the Great Loo-Choo Island… and a Vocabulary of the Loo-Choo Language by H.J. Clifford. London, 1818. Quarto, contemporary marbled paper boards rebacked and recornered in brown calf. $4800 First edition of this expedition to the East China and Yellow Seas, with eight lovely hand-colored aquatints by William Havell, two black-and-white engravings and five charts and maps (two folding), in contemporary boards. Scottish-born Basil Hall entered the British navy in 1801, and in 1815 “was appointed to the Lyra and ordered to China where, in consort with the Alceste, he accompanied Lord Amherst’s embassy” (Howgego). The expedition “explored the relatively little-known East China Sea and the Yellow Sea. Visits were made to Korea and the Ryukyu Archipelago. Korea had been sketchily explored by the Europeans, but it was not until the Alceste and Lyra expedition in 181617, under Captains Murray Maxwell and Basil Hall, that detailed information was obtained about the Ryukyus. On the homeward passage, the Alceste was wrecked in Gaspar Strait off Sumatra” (Hill). “Hall brought the Lyra back to England in October 1817 and during the return voyage interviewed Napoleon at St. Helena” (Howgego). Hall later traveled to the Pacific coast of North America, the Galápagos Islands and South America. The hand-colored aquatints were drawn by William Havell, protégé of Turner, and most portray various chiefs and priests encountered on the journey. With half title. Abbey Travel 558. Hill 749. Howgego H3. Early library bookplate. Only a few spots of faint scattered foxing and usual light offsetting to interior. A handsome copy in near-fine condition.

B A U M A N R A R E B O O K S Travel & Exploration T R A V E L & E X P L O R A T I O N 2 0 2 4 16 16. HILDEBRANDT, Eduard. Aquarelle. Auf seiner Reise um die Erde. [Watercolors. From his Trip around the World]. Berlin, 1871-74. Very large folio (17-3/4 by 21-5/8 inches), title leaf on heavy cardstock and 34 fine plates on textured paper mounted on cardstock; housed in the publisher’s deluxe green leather-backed green cloth gilt portfolio box, large sepia portrait of Hildebrandt set in front board oval under glass, original brass clasps. $25,000 First edition of this collection of 34 stunning color aquarelle plates finished by hand of scenes from the world tour of artist Eduard Hildebrandt, official Painter to the Royal Court of Prussian King Friedrich Wilhelm IV, featuring scenes from Alexandria, Benares, Bombay, Cairo, Bangkok, Rangoon, Hong Kong, Macao, Peking, Singapore, Manila, Japan, and two famous views of San Francisco. In the publisher’s magnificent deluxe portfolio box, with a large sepia portrait of Hildebrandt mounted under glass on the front board. Born in Danzig, Eduard Hildebrandt studied with the marine artist Wilhelm Krause and with French painter Eugene Isabey in Paris, winning three medals at the Paris salon in 1843. On his return to Berlin, his talent as a landscape painter attracted the attention of Alexander von Humboldt, who recommended him to the Prussian King, Friedrich Wilhelm IV. As a result he was made Painter to the Royal Court, and was supported on his subsequent extensive (and expensive) travels. In 1844-45 he visited America and Brazil; in 1847 he was in England, Portugal, Spain, and the Canaries and Madeira; in 1851 in Italy, Egypt, Palestine, Turkey and Greece; and from 1862-64 he was on his “Reise um die Erde”—his Journey Around the World—from Trieste through Suez to India, and on to China, Japan, the Pacific and back via California and Central America. His dispatches from the trip were published by the Berlin Montagspost, and subsequently in book form. The original watercolors from the voyage were exhibited in London in 1866 and at an exhibition at the Crystal Palace in 1868, a year before his death in Berlin. Images in this set include scenes from Alexandria, Benares, Bombay, Cairo, Bangkok, Rangoon, Hong Kong, Macao, Peking, Singapore, Manila, Japan, and two famous views of San Francisco. The large folio plates were produced by R.Steinbock and W. Loeillot after the original watercolors by Hildebrandt using the Aquarelle process, with each color added manually by applying watercolors through stencils, each color requiring a different stencil. With a duplicate plate of plate #12, “Strasse in St. Francisco.” Plates lovely and fine, minor restoration to publisher’s deluxe box. A stunning production, rarely found complete, in the extremely rare publisher’s deluxe box. FIRST EDITION OF HILDEBRANDT'S MONUMENTAL AQUARELLE, 1871-74, WITH 34 STUNNING LARGE FOLIO HAND-COLORED AQUARELLE PLATES

B A U M A N R A R E B O O K S T R A V E L & E X P L O R A T I O N 2 0 2 4 Travel & Exploration 17 SIGNED BY SIR EDMUND HILLARY AND EXPEDITION MEMBERS GEORGE LOWE AND CHARLES EVANS, WITH A COMMEMORATIVE POSTCARD SIGNED BY TENZING NORGAY AND JOHN HUNT LAID IN 17. (HILLARY, Edmund) HUNT, John. The Conquest of Everest. With a Chapter on the Final Assault by Sir Edmund Hillary. New York, 1954. Octavo, original cloth, dust jacket. $4900 First American edition of the official account of the first summit of Mount Everest, signed on the front free endpaper by Edmund Hillary and expedition members George Lowe and Charles Evans, and with a commemorative postcard signed by Sherpa guide Tenzing Norgay and author John Hunt laid in. With eight color photographic plates, 48 halftone plates and a number of in-text illustrations after pen-and-ink sketches. The 1953 British Expedition to Mount Everest was the eighth in 30 years to attempt Everest. On May 29th, 1953 Sir Edmund Hillary and Sherpa guide Tenzing Norgay at last stood at the summit; it was a culminating moment in mountaineering history, and one of the great achievements of human stamina and will. This account was written in one month by Sir John Hunt, the leader of the expedition, in order to satisfy the immediate demand around the world for the story of the British team’s success. Chapter 16 is Sir Edmund Hillary’s stirring account of the final part of the climb, and the appendices are by members of the expedition. “A definitive account worth reading” (Krawczyk 465). Neate 393. Book fine, dust jacket with only very shallow wear to corners, bright and clean. A near-fine signed copy.

B A U M A N R A R E B O O K S Travel & Exploration T R A V E L & E X P L O R A T I O N 2 0 2 4 18 THE ASCENT OF EVEREST, SIGNED BY SIR EDMUND HILLARY AND 43 OTHER “EVERESTERS” 18. HUNT, John. The Ascent of Everest. London, 1953. Octavo, original blue cloth, original dust jacket, custom clamshell box. $7500 First edition, signed by Sir Edmund Hillary and 43 other Everest climbers on the half title, dedication and title pages. With eight color photographic plates, 48 half-tone plates and a number of in-text illustrations after pen-and-ink sketches. The 1953 British Expedition to Mount Everest was the eighth in 30 years to attempt Everest. On May 29th, 1953 Sir Edmund Hillary and Sherpa guide Tenzing Norgay at last stood at the summit; it was a culminating moment in mountaineering history, and one of the great achievements of human stamina and will. The Ascent of Everest was written in one month by Sir John Hunt, the leader of the expedition, in order to satisfy the immediate demand around the world for the story of the British team’s success. Chapter 16 is Sir Edmund Hillary’s stirring account of the final part of the climb, and the appendices are by members of the expedition. Neate 393. In addition to Hillary, the book is signed by 43 others, including: Jim Whittaker (first American to climb Everest), Reinhold Messner (first to climb Everest without supplemental oxygen), Sharon Wood (first North American woman to climb Everest), Pat Morrow (arguably the first person to climb the “Seven Summits”), Maurice Herzog (first to climb Annapurna), David Breashears, the first American to summit Everest twice as well as co-director and photographer of the IMAX movie Everest, Junko Tabei (first woman to climb Everest), Ed Viesturs (climbing leader for the filming of the IMAX Everest), and Jon Krakauer (author of Into Thin Air). With a guide to the signatures laid in. Only minor wear to extremities of book and dust jacket, near-fine condition. An exceptional copy with a remarkable collection of signatures.

B A U M A N R A R E B O O K S T R A V E L & E X P L O R A T I O N 2 0 2 4 Travel & Exploration 19 “A RICH JEWEL, SPARKLING ON THE BOSOM OF THE OCEAN” 19. KEATE, George. An Account of the Pelew Islands, Situated in the Western Part of the Pacific Ocean, Composed from the Journals and Communications of Captain Henry Wilson, and Some of His Officers, Who, in August 1783, Were There Shipwrecked, in the Antelope, a Packet Belonging to the Honourable East India Company. London, 1788. Quarto, contemporary full tree calf rebacked in calf-gilt with original red morocco spine label and marbled endpapers preserved. $3500 First edition of this riveting account of a “bold and hazardous enterprize,” with stipple-engraved frontispiece portrait of Captain Henry Wilson, folding map of the Palau Islands and 15 superb full-page engraved plates of native portraits (the chief, his wife and son), views and plans, weapons and utensils. “The exploring untraversed oceans, in spite of every danger that could menace, or dismay— the discovering multitudes of islands, and of people, whose existence was not known before— and the fame of fixing the geography of the Southern World, were the noble fruits of this bold and hazardous enterprize.” “In August 1783, the Antelope, commanded by Henry Wilson, of the East India Company’s Marines, ran on a rock near one of the Pelew Islands… Wilson and his crew escaped safely to shore. He and his men were well treated by the natives, and in time they managed to build a small vessel from the wreck, in which they were able to reach Macao, taking with them Prince Lee Boo, one of the king’s sons. Wilson brought him to England where he was lionized and created a very good impression—he, however, unfortunately died of small-pox” (Cox). Following the Prince’s death, the East India Company dispatched a mission to inform King Abba Thulle, and to present him with gifts of European seeds and plants. Keate describes the Palau Islands as “a rich jewel, sparkling on the bosom of the ocean.” Four London editions were published between 178889, of which this is the first. Cox II, 302-3. Hill 907. Howgego W41. A handsome, large copy, with binding beautifully restored.

B A U M A N R A R E B O O K S Travel & Exploration T R A V E L & E X P L O R A T I O N 2 0 2 4 20 20. KOTZEBUE, Otto von. A New Voyage Round the World, in the Years 1823, 24, 25, and 26. London, 1830. Two volumes. Octavo, contemporary three-quarter plum morocco gilt. $4500 First edition in English of the chronicle of Kotzebue’s second voyage to the Pacific, providing detailed information on the northwest coast of North America, with engraved frontispiece in each volume and three maps (two folding). A handsome copy of this scarce narrative in contemporary morocco and marbled boards. Kotzebue’s expedition involved transporting Russian reinforcements to Kamchatka, “but exploration was also intended, and a number of scientists were on board, including the physicist H.F.E. Leny and the physician and naturalist Johann F. Eschscholtz. The expedition sailed to Brazil, then went by way of Cape Horn to Chile, Tahiti, Pitcairn Island, Tonga, Navigator’s Islands, Radack, and thence to Kamchatka. The voyage also visited California, with its new Russian settlement; the Marianas; and the Philippines. with the completion of Kotzebue’s explorations, the main features of the northwest coastline of America were fairly well established… Kotzebue’s narrative provided reliable evidence of the potential strategic and economic value of the Northwest region of North America, as well as indicating a growing Russian presence in this area, which alarmed some Englishmen when his account was published in London” (Hill 946, 947). First published in Russian in 1828. Hill 947. Sabin 38286. Howes K259. Engraved armorial bookplate. Owner ink inscription, blindstamp to title page of Volume I. Occasional annotations to text and charts. Near-fine and desirable in handsome contemporary morocco and marbled boards. "EVIDENCE OF THE POTENTIAL STRATEGIC AND ECONOMIC VALUE OF THE NORTHWEST REGION OF NORTH AMERICA": FIRST ENGLISH EDITION OF KOTZEBUE'S SECOND VOYAGE TO THE PACIFIC, 1830

B A U M A N R A R E B O O K S T R A V E L & E X P L O R A T I O N 2 0 2 4 Travel & Exploration 21 RARE FIRST TRANSLATION INTO ENGLISH OF IBN BATTUTA'S EXTRAORDINARY RIHLA, THE CHRONICLE OF HIS 14TH-CENTURY TRAVELS 21. (LEE, Samuel, translator) IBN BATTUTA. The Travels of Ibn Batuta. London, 1829. Quarto, period-style full crimson straight-grain morocco, elaborately gilt-decorated spine, boards, edges and dentelles; marbled endpapers. $18,000 Very scarce first edition in English of a substantial portion of Ibn Battuta’s remarkable Rihla, the chronicle of his prodigious 14th-century travels through much of the known world of the time, estimated to have covered 75,000 miles in 40 years—”an enlightening picture of the culture of a whole period.” This copy printed for subscriber Francis Baring, Esq., with his decorative subscription leaf before the title page. “While on a pilgrimage to Mecca [ibn Battuta] made a decision to extend his travels throughout the whole of the Islamic world. Possibly the most remarkable of the Arab travelers, he is estimated to have covered 75,000 miles in 40 years… Ibn Battuta’s Travels circulated in later times mainly in abridged editions, the first extracts of which were published in Europe by a number of scholars during the early years of the 19th century. In 1829 Samuel Lee presented the first substantial English translation [the present work], but it was only during the years following that several copies of the full text were discovered in North Africa” (Howgego, B47). A native of Tangier, Ibn Battuta’s 14th-century travels took him through Egypt, the Holy Land, the Near East and the Mideast, the Arabian peninsula, the East African coast, the Black Sea, the Caspian Sea and the surrounding areas, to India, the Maldives, southeast Asia, China, all of North Africa and a portion of West Africa as well. He finally settled in Fez in 1354, at which point he began to dictate the narrative of his travels to the royal secretary. “His book describes habits, costumes, trade and various experiences beyond the interests of a mere geographer and scholar, and thus became a cultural mirror of that time. In fact, the narrative gives an enlightening picture of the culture of a whole period. Even though Ibn Battuta saw three times as many countries as the famous Marco Polo… his book gained only little attention in his own time” (Löschburg, History of Travel, 51). Howgego B47. This copy was printed for subscriber Francis Baring, first Baron Northbrook (1796-1866), MP for Portsmouth from 1826 until his retirement in 1865, who also served as chancellor of the exchequer for a time, and later as first lord of the admiralty (ODNB). His printed decorative subscriber leaf is bound before the title page of this copy. Title page and final leaf expertly repaired; a few marginal spots or stains, text generally clean. Beautifully bound. An excellent subscriber’s copy of this very scarce and desirable first translation into English of the narrative of one of the world’s great travelers.

B A U M A N R A R E B O O K S Travel & Exploration T R A V E L & E X P L O R A T I O N 2 0 2 4 22 "IMMEDIATELY BECAME THE BASIS FOR MANY OTHER ILLUSTRATIONS OF MEXICO": 1830 FIRST ENGLISH EDITION OF LINATI'S COSTUMES AND CUSTOMS OF MEXICO, WITH 33 VIBRANTLY HANDCOLORED LITHOGRAPHS 22. (MEXICO) LINATI, (Claudio). Costumes et Moeurs du Mexique. London, 1830. Quarto, original green cloth. $12,500 First English edition of this early lithographic plate book on Mexico, with 33 vibrantly hand-colored lithographs of Mexican costumes, customs, and historic personages, in nicely restored original cloth. “Immediately became the basis for many other illustrations of Mexico, as well as the principal source for information on the region since Humboldt” (Mathes). In addition to portraying a variety of Mexican civilians, soldiers, laborers, and servants, this collection of lithographs includes a portrait of “Moctetzouma Xocotzin” (Moctezuma II); a portrait of General Guadalupe Victoria, President of the Mexican Republic; a portrait of José María Morelos, the Roman Catholic priest and revolutionary who led the Mexican War of Independence movement; an Apache chief on horseback “from the Colorado River in California”; a Mexican “ranchero” dragging “an officer from the front of his battalion with the historic lasso”; and a man extracting pulque de maguey to make the traditional alcoholic beverage from the fermented sap of the maguey (agave) plant known as pulque, using a long gourd to suck out the sap (pulque was considered sacred); and a cockfight. A work under a similar title appeared in Brussels in 1828 with 48 plates. Captions in French. Sabin 41143. Colas 1873. Mathes, Mexico on Stone, 8-14. From the Library of Virginia House in Richmond with its bookplate, discreet call number in pencil on title page margin; plates unmarked. Owner ink signature dated 1925. Old dealer descriptions tipped to pastedowns. Minor expert repair to margins of last plate, plates generally clean with only a few instances of marginal soiling, hand-coloring vibrant. Spine, joints and extremities expertly restored. A very good copy in the original cloth.

B A U M A N R A R E B O O K S T R A V E L & E X P L O R A T I O N 2 0 2 4 Travel & Exploration 23 "ONE OF THE BEST TRAVEL BOOKS OF ITS KIND": MALKIN'S SOUTH WALES, 1804 FIRST EDITION, WITH 12 LOVELY ETCHINGS 23. (WALES) MALKIN, Benjamin Heath. The Scenery, Antiquities, and Biography, of South Wales, from Materials Collected during Two Excursions in the Year 1803… Embellished with Views. London, 1804. Quarto, contemporary full green straight-grain morocco gilt. $3000 First edition of this picturesque travelogue through the Welsh countryside, illustrated with frontispiece and 11 fullpage soft-ground etchings by J. Laporte after views drawn on the spot by him, each hand-colored with a wash of blue, tan or gray, and with large folding map. Beautifully bound in full contemporary morocco-gilt. Malkin (1769-1842), schoolmaster and antiquary, was a friend of William Blake, “with whom he shared an interest in radical politics” (ODNB). As headmaster of the grammar school at Bury St. Edmunds from 1809-28, he was known as an inspiring, idiosyncratic teacher who encouraged independence of mind and character. “Malkin’s taste for the picturesque is to be seen in his topographical work The Scenery, Antiquities and Biography of South Wales, published in 1804 and reissued in a two-volume edition in 1807. Written after a tour of south Wales in 1803, it was one of the best travel books of its kind, displaying Malkin’s acute observation and considerable knowledge of Welsh history” (ODNB). Bound without half title, binder’s leaf. Engraved armorial bookplate; small booklabel of American collector Albert A. Howard (“AHA”) on rear pastedown. Scattered foxing to text only, plates clean and fine. Short closed tear to folding map at stub. Expert restoration to spine head, joints and corners lightly rubbed, binding sound and beautiful, gilt bright. A lovely volume.

B A U M A N R A R E B O O K S Travel & Exploration T R A V E L & E X P L O R A T I O N 2 0 2 4 24 "CHINA HAS VERY LITTLE COMMUNICATION WITH THE BARBARIANS OF THE WEST… JAPAN HAS STILL LESS, AND COREA NONE AT ALL" 24. McLEOD, John. Voyage of His Majesty’s Ship Alceste, along the Coast of Corea, to the Island of Lewchew; with an Account of Her Subsequent Shipwreck. London, 1818. Octavo, contemporary full brown straight-grain morocco sympathetically rebacked. $1750 Second and best edition, with frontispiece portrait of Captain Maxwell and five fine hand-colored aquatint plates, including a plate not present in the first edition of the preceding year. This voyage was undertaken for the purpose of conveying the English embassy, under the leadership of Lord Amherst, to China. “On the return voyage the Alceste struck a submerged reef and became a total loss… A long and vivid account is given of their experiences, of how they were attacked by Malay pirates, and of their final rescue. On their return voyage, St. Helena was visited and an interesting account is given of an interview with Napoleon… The second edition is considered the best edition” (Hill I:188-89). Bound with half title. Abbey, Travel 559. Only occasional faint foxing, plates clean and fine, with vivid coloring. Light wear to extremities. Very good in nicely rebacked contemporary morocco.