April 2023 Catalogue

B a u m a n R a r e B o o k s A p r i l 2 0 2 3 13 Signed By The Dalai Lama 10. DALAI LAMA. Essential Teachings. New York, 1995. Octavo, original black and tan paper boards, dust jacket. $3800. First hardcover edition in English, first printing, of this series of lectures given by the Dalai Lama to a group of Tibetan refugees and Western Buddhists in 1974, signed by the Dalai Lama. “In one book you have marvelous representations of what the Tibetans call the two interpenetrating aspects of the enlightened mind: its boundless compassion and its ‘empty’ wisdom. On whether we learn how to unite compassion with the ‘wisdom of emptiness,’ how both to care enough to work with enough selfless detachment in the middle of raging and devouring chaos, depends the future. To that future, this book is a wonderful gift, the gift of a wonderful man whose heart and mind are as spacious as the universe, and whose life is that of an authentic and humble hero of truth” (Introduction). Preceded by the softcover first edition in English earlier the same year. A fine signed copy.